Finding Peace and Power in Seasons of Transition

Summer has long been my favorite season of the year. The warm, long days, lush green trees, outdoor concerts, meals on restaurant patios and in backyards with friends all bring me great joy. But I have increasingly learned to appreciate spring with its blossoming trees and cooler temperatures interspersed with warmer days preparing us for the summer heat. Spring is a season of transition that is beautiful, messy, energizing and stormy—not unlike the transitions we go through in our work.

Transitions are part of life’s many seasons. If you’re not in one now, you are most likely either coming out of one or heading toward one. Much like spring, there are aspects of these seasons that can be wonderful and energizing, and others that are messy and even stormy. Over the last few years, all of us have gone through varying degrees of transition, much of which was thrust upon us. You may have transitioned to working from home, or from working from home alone to being surrounded by family members who were suddenly forced to join you. Perhaps, you transitioned to new responsibilities at work, a new job or to having no job. There have been lots of transitions—for me as well.

No matter how exciting the new might be, transitions mean change, and change is unsettling and often scary. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone. So, how do we walk through transitions at work with peace, power and joyful anticipation of what God has in store for us?

I went from working for an organization with a team I loved to moving to a new organization with a whole new team I had to get to know. I took every opportunity to go into the office when we shifted to working from home, but now, with a fully remote team, I have no choice but to work from home full-time. While the shift in what I do and who I serve was welcome, I still had to go through the messy, the unknown and the challenging.

Seasons of transition make me highly aware of my desperate need for God and just how fully dependent I am on God.

I have found that navigating transitions goes much more smoothly when I continually draw near to God looking to my Heavenly Father to guide and strengthen me. Jesus provides us with an excellent example of what that can look like.

In John 5:19, Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." Jesus also told us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

I find these two verses to be foundational to not only navigating transition with peace, since Jesus is the source of peace that passes understanding, but also being empowered to do whatever is required, even when faced with challenges I feel ill-equipped to handle. If Jesus, the Son of God who is one with the Father, looks to God for everything He does, then I would do well to look to Jesus, keeping my eyes fixed on Him (Hebrews 12:1-2). When I do, Jesus promises I have access to the wisdom, strength and power I need for whatever comes my way so my work can be productive and fruitful (John 15:5).

If you’re going through a transition that has you unsettled, anxious or fearful, you are not alone. God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). He can handle whatever emotions you are dealing with, so bring them to Him. Even when change is for good, you may still go through a period of grieving or lament. You don’t have to push those feelings aside. Bring them to God—and a godly, supportive friend who will listen and empathize. Allow the Lord to comfort you, to give you peace and equip you as you bring your concerns, needs and goals to Him in prayer. I have found that He is faithful in even the most overwhelming difficulties, but I must trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Transitions are inevitable, but the anxiety and fear that often accompany them doesn’t have to be. Remember, God is with you. When we turn to Him, He gives us His peace and can turn all things around for good (Romans 8:28). Peace and power can be yours in the most uncertain of times when you embrace your dependence on God and continually lean on Him for direction, wisdom and strength (Matthew 19:26).


Catherine Gates is Polished’s Vice President of Business Partnerships and the author of The Confidence Cornerstone: A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Leadership. Catherine has also contributed to several faith-and-work Bible studies, numerous YouVersion reading plans, and books from other authors including the iWork4Him and sheWorks4Him publications. She is a powerful speaker and frequent podcast contributor.

Catherine has been helping people integrate their faith and work since 2013. Prior to joining the Polished team, Catherine served as Executive Director for Women in the Marketplace, co-host for the sheWorks4Him podcast, and Senior Director of Content and Partnerships for Workmatters.

Catherine has diverse experience in technology and systems development, training, non-profit management, sales coaching and training, writing and instructional design. She has worked for large corporations to small entrepreneurial endeavors, including owning a small software consulting firm.

Catherine is on the steering committee for the National Faith & Work Association (; the board of Ladies of Grace, a women’s prison ministry; and on the Advisory board of Keirus by KJE, a strategy consulting, leadership development and technology firm specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is passionate about helping people achieve more of their God-given potential by bringing faith into every area of life.

Robin Dufilho