Collaboration Over Competition: Thriving Together in Faith and Leadership

Leadership has always been part of my life. As a child, I was often called "bossy," but others naturally followed. In high school, I managed a retail store, and by my early twenties, I had a large staff and corner office in the corporate world. But during those years, I mainly led on my own. While I achieved results, it often came at the expense of relationships and my well-being.

As I grew in my faith, I realized that leadership isn’t just about accomplishing goals—it’s also about building up the people around you.

Leadership, especially for women of faith, should reflect God’s design for community: working together, valuing each other’s strengths, and discovering our unique gifts.

Everything changed when I shifted from a "do it myself" mindset to a collaborative one. I came to understand that Kingdom work thrives on teamwork, not competition. In God’s Kingdom, there’s no room for rivalry, but there is plenty of space for collaboration.

Over my 25 years in ministry, I’ve witnessed how God works through everyday people in extraordinary ways. It’s incredible to see how He uses each of us, and the good news is that He’s not done yet! Every one of us has the opportunity to build meaningful collaborations in our spheres of influence. So, where do you begin?

Start by asking God to show you women you can invite into a project, partnership, or ministry. Sometimes, it’s as simple as asking someone to grab a coffee or start a conversation. You never know who might be waiting for that invitation. Don’t let fear hold you back—if God is prompting you, take that step in obedience. While some may say no, many will say yes. Is God asking you to step into a Kingdom collaboration? If so, surround yourself with like-minded women who can encourage and support you.

You can find women walking the same journey here in The Polished Network. Also, there is a network designed for women in ministry to find the resources and connections they need to thrive as female leaders in the church; it’s called Ministry Chick. I would love to invite you to find us on Facebook and join us. Here’s the truth: we can accomplish far more together than alone.


Melissa Mashburn is an author, speaker, and ministry coach with 25 years of experience in church leadership, including work with congregations of up to 44,000 members. As the co-founder of Mashburns Consulting Group and CEO of Ministry Chick, she empowers over 3,600 women globally through her leadership and resources. Her book, Ministry Chick: Find Your Community, Own Your Leadership, Take Your Step, highlights her commitment to female leadership in ministry.

Melissa is also the founder of and, where she provides valuable resources for ministry professionals. Based in South Texas, she continues to make a global impact on ministry leadership.

Robin Dufilho