Connect. Collaborate. Rebuild.

Christian community is important.

I read examples all throughout scripture like in Hebrews 10:24-25 when it says: “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”

The Church is a place of encouragement.

The Church is the Body of Christ that EMBODIES God’s love.

The Church is a source of inspiration.

The Church is a community that can equip, develop, and refine our God-given gifts.

The Church is not just a community group. We are a diverse community whose identity and unity are found in the neutrality of the cross. The cross creates the sacred, common ground that allows the Body of Christ to thrive. Christian community is vital to experiencing FULL LIFE in Christ.

The mission of Polished is significant because we are pursuing a niche of women that woefully gets overlooked by the Church. As a former women’s ministry leader myself, I have witnessed how disconnected working women often feel to the church body because they haven’t fit the mold of so-called “biblical femininity.”

Women are important.

And honestly, women who pursue careers outside the home tend to get left out into the margins to fend for themselves in their pursuit of faith.

This should not be so.

One of our priorities, and my dream, is to expand the impact of Jesus Christ in the marketplace by connecting and collaborating through the Kingdom work of the local church. Pioneering is not an easy task, but I have been reminded constantly that we are not alone in this venture.

I’ve been studying the book of Ezra―a story of the restoration and reformation of God’s people and the Holy Temple. This verse caught my attention:

“Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord.” Ezra 1:5 (my emphasis added).

I believe God is stirring.

We have been living in a wilderness season as we brave the fear of uncertainty of our culture and question what the future of the Church looks like. I firmly believe this is a crucial time to rebuild and rethink how women can serve and lead in the Body of Christ. We need to reclaim our God-given title as ‘Ezer’ or ‘strong partner’ to accomplish the purposes God created for us. Our callings are just as valid and critical as the callings of men.

As a people gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit, I am reminded that we are ambassadors of the future, living in the present. We are seeking to build the Kingdom of God here on Earth the way He originally intended.

My greatest prayer right now as we continue to seek opportunities to collaborate with local churches is that God would break down any barriers to partnership. Being part of a church community can often create a sense of competition or isolation from other churches because we are comfortable and think the impact our church alone makes is good enough.

I want to challenge us to think bigger.

There is an African Proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together!” One person, fully consecrated to God can be used mightily, but imagine the impact when God’s people move together!

God is stirring, sisters.

Will you pioneer along with me? If you would like to explore how Polished can support the women’s ministry in your church in reaching more working women, contact us.


Jane Doerman is a seasoned professional in the world of media communication, and she brings her expertise as the Podcast Director at Polished Network. With a deep understanding of the podcasting landscape and a passion for creating engaging content, Jane is responsible for overseeing the creation, production, and promotion of all podcast content for the organization.

Jane's journey in media communications began with a Bachelor's degree from Asbury University, specializing in Media Communications and Business Management. She then embarked on a rewarding career in local broadcasting, holding roles at WLWT Channel 5 and Cumulus Media Cincinnati. She also had the opportunity to be a part of the media team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Throughout her professional journey, Jane's love for Jesus and connecting with people's stories has remained a driving force.

As the former Church Relations Coordinator for Women in the Marketplace, Jane demonstrated her commitment to equipping others. She also served as the leader of "RISE Women's Ministry" at White Oak Christian Church, fostering connection and discipleship among women in her community.

Jane's dedication to collaboration and unity within the Body of Christ extends to her belief in expanding networks and circles of impact to achieve a greater Kingdom impact. She is thrilled to join Polished Network, where she can leverage her skills and passion to engage working women through the power of podcasting.

When she's not immersed in the world of podcasts and content creation, Jane enjoys spending quality time with her husband, Brian, and their three young children. You will often find them riding their favorite rollercoasters in their favorite Cincinnati, OH venue- Kings Island! She actively serves on her church's Digital Experience Team and teaching team, where she preaches regularly. In addition, Jane has a deep love for baking, volleyball, storytelling, and homemade sour cherry pie.

She can’t wait to connect with you and the story God’s writing with your life!

Robin Dufilho