You Can Cultivate a Culture of Belonging

I started my career in radio broadcasting as the Director of first Impressions—otherwise known as the front desk assistant. While it was a great way to get my foot in the door and put me in a position to be seen by everyone in the company, it was really lonely. I was the gatekeeper for the radio offices which meant I was secluded out front, boxed in by glass windows and doors that were forever locked until I pushed a button.

I would spend my days juggling phone calls, greeting prize winners, prepping the mail and whatever task the business office had for me that day. While my boss would assure me of how important I was to the team, I couldn’t help but feel like an outsider. A green, 20-something trying to forge her path into her dream job with my daily reminder from Paul McCartney & Wings singing overhead:

“Stuck inside these four walls, Sent inside forever, Never seeing no one, Nice again...”

Oh how those words mocked me.

I yearned to belong. Deep down I wanted to be a part of the family barricaded behind glass doors sharing lunch, laughs and solving business problems around the meeting table together. I felt disconnected and shunned like an outcast. All I truly wanted was to be seen and welcomed in to the fold.

Here’s the truth—there are a lot of people in the world that feel this way: lost, alone, unknown and disconnected. When you are in the midst of these overwhelming emotions it is very easy to succumb to a belief that you aren’t worthy of connection, OR worse, your heart becomes hardened by a victimized mentality that lashes out in bitterness.

Romans 12:4-5 (NLT) says: “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

Every single human is created in the image of God.

Every single human has the opportunity (sometimes multiple) to go all in and follow Jesus.

Every single human has the opportunity to become a member of the body of Christ, which means…

Disciples of Jesus need to figure out how to create a culture of belonging with EVERYONE—even when it’s hard.

Admittedly, during this season of life my roots weren’t firmly attached to God’s heart. My identity was rooted in the wavering sands of acceptance by my peers and success in my work. I was offended to feel so belittled that it held me hostage in a state of pity that wasn’t helpful in my growth or the community overall. Here are two things that I learned in this season:

  1. How to live in the tension of truth and grace. In hindsight, while my feelings were real and valid, I also recognize how self-centered it was. I was more than willing to acknowledge the truth of feeling like an outsider; however, grace took a back seat. Had I given grace a voice in this situation I wonder if I would have considered the weight of the business my co-workers were carrying or attempt to empathize with their humanity in relation to what could be happening in their personal life. The reality is everyone is going through something, and to have a complacent mind set of wallowing in my own self-pity waiting for someone to build community on my behalf is a selfish way to live. Which brings me to my next point ...

  2. Someone has to go first. In order to build community, no matter the setting, someone has to go first. Had I used these feelings to push me outside my comfort zone and intentionally pursue connection with my co-workers, despite the imminent awkwardness, I probably would have saved myself a lot of heart ache by building community sooner. Luckily, by God’s grace one of my co-workers chose to see me and connect with me. It started with awkward small talk which led to treating her to her favorite coffee drink which led to a lunch invite and next thing I knew I was welcomed into the fold.

I found belonging, and you can to. Whether you are the one who feels excluded OR you are the one who has found belonging, BOTH have the power to build community. According to Romans 12, we all belong to each other. My question for you today, is what are you doing to cultivate belonging in your workplace? Who is the outlier on your team who needs to be connected? How is empathy impacting your perception of your co-workers or clients?

We are literal lifelines, walking miracles with the ability to see and know people who feel shunned and disconnected, and you are able to speak the truth they need to hear: YOU BELONG!

We have the power to cultivate a culture of belonging. Belonging begins when we acknowledge the truth about our situation, lean heavily into God-given grace, and then make the first move!

You won’t regret it!


Jane Doerman is a seasoned professional in the world of media communication, and she brings her expertise as the Podcast Director at Polished Network. With a deep understanding of the podcasting landscape and a passion for creating engaging content, Jane is responsible for overseeing the creation, production, and promotion of all podcast content for the organization.

Jane's journey in media communications began with a Bachelor's degree from Asbury University, specializing in Media Communications and Business Management. She then embarked on a rewarding career in local broadcasting, holding roles at WLWT Channel 5 and Cumulus Media Cincinnati. She also had the opportunity to be a part of the media team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Throughout her professional journey, Jane's love for Jesus and connecting with people's stories has remained a driving force.

As the former Church Relations Coordinator for Women in the Marketplace, Jane demonstrated her commitment to equipping others. She also served as the leader of "RISE Women's Ministry" at White Oak Christian Church, fostering connection and discipleship among women in her community.

Jane's dedication to collaboration and unity within the Body of Christ extends to her belief in expanding networks and circles of impact to achieve a greater Kingdom impact. She is thrilled to join Polished Network, where she can leverage her skills and passion to engage working women through the power of podcasting.

When she's not immersed in the world of podcasts and content creation, Jane enjoys spending quality time with her husband, Brian, and their three young children. You will often find them riding their favorite rollercoasters in their favorite Cincinnati, OH venue- Kings Island! She actively serves on her church's Digital Experience Team and teaching team, where she preaches regularly. In addition, Jane has a deep love for baking, volleyball, storytelling, and homemade sour cherry pie.

She can’t wait to connect with you and the story God’s writing with your life!

Robin Dufilho