One of Your Blocks to Success

When you make a plan, and the plan does not work out - your brain wants that to equal failure.

Change of plans = failure.

This is one of your blocks to success.

Just because you couldn't make that meeting, or that client decides to wait a month, or the call was missed does not mean failure.

Your brain is telling you it is failure because it freaks out when something different happens than you were expecting. It goes into flight or fight.

A change of plans is data.

Take a quick scan of the last month of your life. How much of it went according to your plan?

If you are basing your success on whether or not you have stuck to your plan, you need a new definition of success.

Let me offer one - Success is getting the result you want.

Notice that my definition has nothing to do with the plan. You want the result regardless if you had to change plans. When we make plans we have very limited information. We have NO IDEA if a kid will get sick, the link will work, the other person in the meeting will make it. The information we have is our plan, and then the data that unfolds from it.

Then we take that data and learn, so we get the result we want.

Planning is GOOD! Great even. But hold it loosely. Use it for you.

Here's to learning from the data and being wildly successful in the best way.

Here's to Leading with Wisdom.

To hear more from Heather, check out her interview on the Polished Podcast!


Heather Davila ignites action in women leaders. She empowers them right where they are, and then challenges them to achieve their passions. Her style of coaching is direct, fun, and results driven. The results that her clients are currently experiencing: job promotions, effective team leadership, building a profitable business, advocating for their passions, using their voices, work/life balance, creating an assertive leadership style, accomplishing their goals (personal and professional), leading from their strength, and so much more.

Robin Dufilho