At the Crossroads of Faith + Work
BYO-Book Club and Wine Night
Sept. 26 | 6:30 pm
Richardson, TX
Join women from all of the Dallas-area Polished chapters for an evening filled with books, wine, snacks, and fun!
Instead of a traditional book club where everyone reads the same book (or in many cases plans to read the book, runs out of time, never finishes the book, and wonders if they should still show up) we're hosting a BYO-Book Club!
All you have to do is bring a book that you'd like to discuss with you. This can be a book you've finished recently, a book you read a long time ago but has stuck with you, a book on your TBR list that you're hoping to get to in the near future - it's up to you! Just bring your book and be ready to share for a few minutes about your chosen selection.
We can't wait to learn more about each other through books, add a few more titles to our TBR, and enjoy a fun evening together with other Polished women. Snacks and drinks will be provided - we can't wait to see you there!
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Chapter sponsorships help an individual chapter reduce venue costs, lower ticket pricing, help with printing and event needs, and allow a chapter to scholarship women with financial needs so they can attend.