Hi There!

Thank you so much for donating in-kind gifts to Polished. We are so excited you are partnering with us! Polished gathers women to navigate the workplace and explore faith together in authentic community. Your in-kind donation to Polished supports our mission of engaging and equipping women in the workplace. 


Amy Cedrone, Executive Director

Again, thank you.

Thank you for donating your in-kind gifts to Polished. We are more than happy to send you a tax receipt for your in-kind donation. 

Please fill out the form below...

Polished is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization registered in the state of Texas, Federal Tax ID: 26-3706805. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Polished has complete control and administration of the use of donated funds. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law in the calendar year in which they are made and you will receive a receipt and year-end statement for these donations. IRS Notice: unless otherwise specifically noted, no goods or services were received by the donor in exchange for the donation. If you are an individual donor (not a corporation) and your donated item/service is valued in excess of $5000, you must complete Form 8283 and submit an appraisal. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding your donation.