Pillar Seminary

Polished Network members receive a 10% discount off of tuition for Pillar Seminary’s Certificate of Contextual Leadership.

  • This degree takes you through the entire narrative of Scripture with two classes, as well as, a leadership class. It is often completed in one year.

  • Classes start at the beginning of August.

  • This is a great time to apply or reach out for more info.


The Polished Scholarship

The Polished Network is offering a scholarship for a working woman who is taking classes at Pillar Seminary. Learn more and apply for the scholarship here.

  • If you would like to add to the Polished Scholarship fund to help working women make their way through seminary, you can give here and click on “The Polished Scholarship” under the “My donation is for” drop down box.


Lunchtime Seminary

Interested in a deeper understanding of Scripture but not ready for the deeper commitment of a degree level course? Check out Lunchtime Seminary. Lunchtime Seminary is a 10 week, non-degree class taught digitally by one of our professors over an hour-long lunch in their respective areas of expertise. It is seminary level training without the intensity and homework that accompanies our typical seminary class. Fall classes will be announced soon!


How else can I help?

  • Pillar is dedicated to equipping leaders in three different areas: the classroom, the church, and the kingdom. This summer we are hoping to raise funds to help assist students in all three areas. We are calling it our 20-20-20 Campaign as we are looking to secure funding for 20 students in each respective area. Learn more here.

  • We have some current volunteer opportunities we are looking to fill for 5 to 10 hours a week. Check them out here.

Robin Dufilho