Dr. Joy Dahl Stepping Down

A letter from Dr. Joy Dahl:

During my tenure as Executive Director of Polished Network, we’ve experienced incredible wins–including paving a path forward through the pandemic and joining Jesus in launching the first-of-its-kind BOLDLY Faith + Work for Women Conference. We’ve also weathered difficult storms and transitions. I love the women of Polished and I love our mission. It has been an honor to serve in this ministry for the past 20 months. However, I believe it’s the right decision for me to now step aside.  

My last day on staff will be December 17th. I’m excited for Polished’s next season, and I will continue as an ambassador and champion for our Polished mission which encourages, equips, and empowers working women with biblical truths.

Thank you again for your support. I look forward to seeing how our paths continue to crisscross in the season ahead.

HQ, TransitionsRobin DufilhoHQ