2023 Top 3 Tips for More Motivation
It's that time of year again; the season when many will commit to making better food choices, moving their body more, and improving their overall health and wellness. As a fitness professional, I’ve heard all too often the vows, promises, and resolutions that will accompany the New Year. But did you know that one study found that only 9% of Americans will actually keep their New Year’s resolution? That’s mind-blowing given that over 60% of the population sets a yearly resolution.
So, why do so many fall short of that resolution and throw in the towel altogether? The number one reason given for a failing New Year’s resolution: losing motivation!
After working with clients for over a decade, I want to share with you my top 3 tips for keeping your motivation and finally achieving that resolution.
Motivation Mindset: Over the years, I’ve heard this phrase countless times, “I can’t (Insert your healthy habit here) because I just don’t have the motivation.” Whether you are committing to eating more nutritious foods or a new exercise program, many believe they must first have motivation in order for the action to follow. I encourage my clients to challenge that belief: does action really come from motivation? Or, could it be that we've gotten the equation wrong all along? After numerous interactions and conversations, I’ve concluded a different equation: Action breeds motivation. And I’ve seen this play out hundreds of times: a working mom decides to exercise early in the morning while her family sleeps and she feels motivated to make better food choices throughout her day; a client starts hitting her hydration goal and becomes motivated to choose better office snacks, or the woman who decides to take a brisk walk after a long day of work finds herself motivated to tackle a nutritious dinner. Friends, this is big. Do the action and the motivation will follow!
Nix the All-or-Nothing Thinking: With your newfound mindset to take action first, another way to fuel your motivation is to get rid of the All-or-Nothing thinking… that little voice that says, “Well, I already (insert the thing you did that you didn’t want to do) so I guess I’ll just make a day of it and start again tomorrow (or Monday, or next month, or next year!).” NOOOOO! You may have had one slip-up, or maybe something got in the way of your best-made plans, but throwing in the towel is the reason success is never achieved. So challenge that thinking and ask yourself this: I may not be able to do ALL the things I need to do that help me towards my goal, but what is ONE thing I can do? If you can begin to see your actions as delineated along a spectrum, and not as two fixed “all” or “nothing” points, you will be more motivated to continue the course because you’ll see that even small steps toward your ideal plan will still create progress! Let’s say your goal is to exercise 4 days a week and suddenly the kids spring a last minute project on you. Instead of the all-or-nothing thinking you're used to, that says “try again tomorrow,” what's ONE way to move you toward your fitness goal? Could you do a 5 minute circuit of squats and push-ups? YEP! Could you hold a plank right next to your kids? YEP! Could you go on a 5-minute walk even though it wasn’t your planned 45 minute routine? YEP! And this is where lasting change lives: doing even small things motivates you to keep chasing down that goal!
Look for the WINS: When we think about keeping momentum in motivation, it's obvious that anyone would give up when they feel as though they’re constantly losing. But if you feel as if you’re constantly winning? Well, it’s hard to quit something when you’re always winning! So as you move toward your healthier self, how can you take your big goal and break it down into small, actionable habits that can be measured and therefore won? For many of my weight loss clients, we work on daily and weekly processes: Drink 100oz of water a day -Move your body for 30 minutes a day- sleep a minimum of 7 hours a night. As clients move through their week, they’re constantly looking for the win at each step, building momentum, and yes, making that New Year’s resolution stick!
So here’s to 2023, the year your motivation stays and the resolution becomes reality!
-Taber Black
Taber Black is the owner of Lubbock Fit Body Boot Camp. She is married to her husband Nate, a 4th generation cotton farmer. They have two children, Dallan & Mayli, and two spoiled scotties, Bitsy & Bagel.