Stewarding Ministry in the Marketplace with Seminary Training

This essay was written by Polished scholarship recipient, Lindsay May, a student at Pillar Seminary. If you would like to continue your education at seminary, Pillar offers 10% off tuition for women coming from Polished.

How do I engage in ministry when I feel like a misfit? I didn’t come from a line of preachers or have a dramatic come-to-faith testimony. But as a 17-year-old, I did have a fear of missing God (perhaps it was those Left Behind books I read in the 90s). God was placing a passion for scripture in my heart, but I feared He would send me to a place that made me uncomfortable- a place without plumbing. Or worse, the smelly wing of the church, destined to waft the scent of crushed Cheerios and diaper wipes wherever I walked. I wondered how the God who uniquely designed me could call me to something that didn’t match my gifts or passions. The only woman I knew working in ministry served in the children’s department of my church, but I was far more interested in writing and design.

My misguided view of women in ministry led me to pursue degrees in business and leadership. For years, I felt a discrepancy between wanting to pursue contextual biblical knowledge and not feeling the desire to serve as a traditional pastor—I was waiting for a “pastoral call.” However, I have learned that pursuing entrepreneurial interests and a seminary education are not mutually exclusive. God can use all of my skills and interests to bring glory to Him. Passion for Jesus is permission enough to pursue advanced seminary training.

Investing in deep scriptural and contextual study has empowered me to trust the Lord in greater capacities as he leads me in life and business. The entrepreneurial spirit I recognized in my heart 23 years ago serves me well as the founder of The Truly Co. Publishing our creative print magazine allows me to share gospel-centered encouragement while linking arms with other women across the nation to elevate their voices. My seminary education helps guide editorial decisions. As a Publisher, I am responsible for stewarding the words and devotional resources we share on each page. Seminary helps me discern the difference between nice-sounding rhetoric and scriptural truth. Like Lydia in scripture, I aspire to spread the Gospel and faith-sharpening tools through the hospitality of beautifully designed words-on-pages.

Lydia’s example in Acts 16 is a model for how I serve God’s kingdom today: ministry and marketplace go hand in hand. Passionately studying God’s word does not require me to lay down my trade and ambition. Seminary trains me to understand God’s heart as I represent him in this world through the tools He has given me. Stewarding my abilities for His glory is ministry. This is the answer to the confusion I felt in my youth. It’s not an either-or, it’s a both-and. Working in publishing allows me to exercise and sharpen my faith in making business decisions and influencing my network through creative communication. Seminary training helps refine my character and knowledge to live my faith well.


Lindsay May is the founder of The Truly Co, host of The Truly Co Podcast, and publisher of Truly magazine, a Christian print publication grounded in gospel truth, pairing stories of hope and encouragement with custom art and design. She is passionate about spirit-filled creativity, leadership, and working with excellence to offer our abilities as an act of worship. For three consecutive years, Truly magazine was nominated and won a top three award for Best Publication by the Twin Cities Collective. Lindsay is also a recipient of the “4 Under 40 Alumni  Achievement Award” award from Bethel University in 2022 in recognition of her outstanding achievements in her career, public service, and volunteer activities. 

Lindsay received her undergraduate degree in business marketing with a minor in leadership studies in 06’ and continued her education by earning her master’s degree in strategic leadership from Bethel University in 2013. Before starting The Truly Co., Lindsay worked in marketing and corporate communication roles for a global software engineering company, Life Time Fitness, and ran her photography studio, serving the Twin Cities area. 

Lindsay’s mission is to encourage others to step boldly into the kingdom assignments and dreams God has given them. She is also working towards a Master of Divinity from Pillar Seminary, where she is being trained in ancient Near East contexts, both for the Old and New Testament.

Lindsay lives in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and enjoys the little moments of life with her two kids, husband, and dogs. She loves speaking, serving at her local church, and finding adventure wherever she goes. 

Robin Dufilho