Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?

Many prophets and teachers like Mohammed or Buddha may have good insight, but they could never repair the issue at the heart of the world’s problems, which is sin. Only a perfect sacrifice could be a substitute for all that is imperfect in us and in our world.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
Is Jesus Alive Today?

The simple answer to that is yes, He is! If you believe Jesus died on the cross and rose three days later, then it is true that He overcame death, something no one else has ever done, and therefore is not still dead but alive (Acts 1:3).

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JesusAmy Cedrone
How Can Jesus Be Just And Loving?

One of the main questions I bet you’re asking is, “If God is so just AND so loving, why do bad things happen to good people?” This one’s even tougher, but the answer to this question really goes back to the problem of sin.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
What Did Jesus Do?

He came to reveal and embody the culmination of God’s plan of redemption for the world. His most profound work was done on the cross when He died in our place and healed all of us, and then rose from the dead to give us the hope of everlasting life.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
Why Do I Need Jesus?

The earth is no longer the place God created it to be. Loved ones die, disease wracks our bodies, and injustice prevails. The earth and all that is on it has now been corrupted and remains in a state of brokenness. All of this is because of sin.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
Why Do I Need Jesus Now?

We were created to be in a close relationship with God and to bring glory and honor to God. Yet because of sin, you and I are dead, spiritually dead. We are lost, meaning that we’re not living out the purpose we were created to fulfill.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
What Does Life With Jesus Look Like?

He knows what it’s like to be us…with all the joys and pains of living in a fallen, crazy, broken world. And He promises to be with us in the midst of the ups and downs of life, offering hope and peace and meaning and the ability to love freely and live fully.

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JesusAmy Cedrone
Who Is Jesus?

Just like us, Jesus had parents and siblings, ate lunch with friends, worked, slept, and was tempted to sin. He was completely human. Unlike us He was completely human AND completely God, born of the union between a woman (Mary, a virgin) and the Holy Spirit.

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JesusAmy Cedrone