When you make a plan, and the plan does not work out - your brain wants that to equal failure. This is one of your blocks to success.
Read MoreThere's zero chance I would have made it this far in leadership had it not been for the men and women who invited me to lead, created opportunities for me to build my confidence, and made sure I was rewarded for a job well done. Just like every other leader who's ever led before on planet earth.
Read MoreFear. It’s a powerful weapon. One that the Enemy wields skillfully. He uses it to shut our mouths when we can be proclaiming the love and awesomeness of Christ instead. So let’s fight that fear.
Read MoreAfter all, a single bloom may be lovely, but a bouquet of blooms? Better, brighter, and stronger!
Read MoreAs much as I love working in the corporate world and attaining every dream that my heart desires, my worth is not found in what I DO. Instead, my worth will always be found in whom I follow. We don’t work FOR purpose, we work FROM it.
Read MoreI have learned that pursuing entrepreneurial interests and a seminary education are not mutually exclusive. God can use all of my skills and interests to bring glory to Him. Passion for Jesus is permission enough to pursue advanced seminary training.
Read MoreThis internal mixtape whirring in our heads feeds us lies. And we’re buying it, singing the lyrics back to ourselves and moving to its beat. It’s time to disrupt these soul-deep inner thought loops that easily entangle us and lean into the truth of who we are.
Read MoreIn the world of wellness, we focus our attention on encouraging people to fill the cup. Energy is a limited resource, so it is important to consistently make small daily investments in our health.
Read MoreSo many women are being hyper-stretched right now. Oh, we’ve been stretched before, but some of us are in danger of snapping.
Read MoreI speak with so many women who are overwhelmed and burnt out and when I asked them what brings them joy, they struggle to answer the question sometimes. We have lost our way and put ourselves on the back burner.
Read MoreWhen I ask these professionals what qualities they most want from an assistant, they almost always say the same thing, that they want someone who is good at communicating. That begs the question, what does it mean to be good at communicating?
Read MoreYour well-being is not a luxury; it's a fundamental aspect of a successful and fulfilling life. By recognizing the importance of balance, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, you can create a work environment that not only enhances your productivity but also contributes to your overall happiness and success.
Read MoreRecently, I was asked what advice I would give my younger self. While I would like to give my younger self a three-day workshop, one thing stood out—the importance of setting boundaries to protect my time, energy, and mental health.
Read MoreI want my children to feel successful, but I am willing to reconsider how to define success. Perhaps success does not always mean living far away from your family of origin; perhaps it means making wise financial decisions and taking advantage of the opportunity to save money.
The facts are clear: 1 in 4 women have suffered a miscarriage, 1 in 8 struggles from infertility, and women who have battled this grief and loss have a considerably higher danger of divorce than the national average. But these women are not just numbers - they are our daughters, friends, and sisters in Christ.
What does it look like for you to honor God in everything you do at work? How can you tap into God’s wisdom and strength in your work? A workplace Bible study is a great way to explore how you can consistently be intentional about leaning on God in your work while growing with others.
How different would our world be if gentleness remained the center of all we do? In a polarized election year, I'm not seeing much wisdom around me as of late. People increasingly exhibit aggression and hostility towards one another and seem to disregard the value of gentleness. Everyone has become an expert, yet few can call themselves wise.
I listen in awe as I hear how God moved in their lives, praising His absolute goodness and blessing their obedience in listening to God. And I pay special attention to how our speakers and guests heard from God. Because I always want to hear from God. Don’t we all?
Read MoreHard-working, determined, driven women run the world. They’ve stretched, sacrificed, and laid awake at night wondering if they’re doing the right thing.
Read MoreThe Church is not just a community group. We are a diverse community whose identity and unity are found in the neutrality of the cross. The cross creates the sacred, common ground that allows the Body of Christ to thrive. Christian community is vital to experiencing FULL LIFE in Christ.
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